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Curriculum Leadership Council

As Connecticut’s top educational leaders continue to expand their administrator networks to improve teaching and learning outcomes for all and to ensure a consistent understanding of CSDE and legislation expectations, the RESC Alliance is now collaboratively hosting Curriculum Council Leadership Meetings.


Who should attend Curriculum Leadership Council meetings?
Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, and/or Assistant Superintendent or their designee (Executive/Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and/or Assessment)

How do I register?
Type the from the Curriculum Council graphic into your browser or simply click here.

What is the fee to attend council meetings?
There is no fee to attend council meetings.  We want the information that is shared and the networks that are built to be available to everyone in our region.

When does the Curriculum Leadership Council meet?
The Council typically meets four to five times a year from 8:30-10:30 am.  

Where does this Council meet?
The Curriculum Leadership Council meets virtually through Zoom in order to facilitate statewide attendance.  


Council Resources

Currently, there are no materials available for download. Please return soon for notes, documents, and other resources related to our council meetings.